conjuring creativity:Art & the Esoteric #3
‘Inhabiting Esoteric Ecologies’ London, March 2025
‘Inhabiting Esoteric Ecologies’ London, March 2025

Conjuring Creativity: Art & the Esoteric #3 ‘Inhabiting Esoteric Ecologies’
15-16/3/2025. MKII, 71 - 75 Powerscroft rd., Lower Clapton, London, E5 0PT
We are thrilled to present Conjuring Creativity: Art & the Esoteric #3 ‘Inhabiting Esoteric Ecologies’ a ticketed in person event taking place in London. Conjuring Creativity is a two day interdisciplinary conference bringing together practitioners, scholars and artists who all have a shared interest in the fields of occultism and esoteric methodologies.
Conjuring Creativity, co-founded in 2018 in Sweden by Artist Geraldine Hudson and Associate Professor Dr. Per Faxneld, manifested as two weekend events which previously took place in Stockholm, for this final iteration Artist and Astrologer Ben Jeans Houghton has joined Geraldine as co-curator and producer.
This upcoming edition intentionally focuses on the entangled relationships between magick and the more-than-human, exploring how esoteric, occult and mystical strategies are being utilised within and alongside contemporary art to recognise, repair and re-member our innate relationships, to our earthly ecologies, spirits, pan-species kin and the unseen companions who inform and inhabit our terrestriality.
Alongside established speakers, the gathering brings emerging artist voices to the fore, whilst allowing space for participatory experiential workshops, evening performances and a curated reel of artists’ short film. Taking place beyond the academy, we intend to foster an atmosphere of open sharing, mutuality and cross pollination as a catalyst towards nurturing community and future world building.
Anyone with an interest in contemporary art, esotericism and other knowledges in relation to ecology and the more than human is encouraged to attend.
DARK MATTER ILLUMINATIONS, stockholm January, 2025
Opening the 17th of January 2025, at5 – 10 pm.
The exhibition consists of three solo exhibitions and is a thematic cowork between the artists Jannike Brantås, Masoud Shahsavari and Penja Hesselbäck and a continuation on a previous project with the title Fifth Force of Nature that artistically interpreted a theoretical ly observed fifth force of nature besides the previously four known forces. In Dark Matter Illuminations our aim is to once more in the borderland between art and science explore another of physics unsolved questions, the one on the existence of dark matter. There are indications that this existence is the case but since the dark matter is not to be observed directly it is unknown of what it consists. This exhibition, as in an earlier version presented at Uppsala Art Club aims at interpreting existential issues and also to contribute to a more developed knowledge of the unknown.
Opening ceremony with short presentation the 17th of January at 6 pm.
Artist talk Saturday the 25th at 2 pm
Ending the 9th of February at 2 pm – Not One Way To Tell About It, performance by Jannike Brantås

More info see:
Installation. For Artist Talk:
photo: M. Landström. Editor: M. Shahsavari
For Performance video:
Music. Youki Noseyama
Photo: M. Shahsavari
NÄR VAR O, ID:I Galleri, Stockholm 2024

Dark matter illuminations, Uppsala Artists Clubwith Penja Hesselbäck and Masoud Shahsavari 2024
For more material see installation and performance
For more material see installation and performance

"En vana som kanppt känns"
En resa in i ett rörigt landskap. Ett tåg och en eventuellt tillförlitlig röst söker reda ut begreppen. Så handlar din existens om att i grunden kunna reda ut bland ovanor, vanor, oberoenden, beroenden och rutiner? Är jag oberoende med några ovanor eller beroende med massa vanor, bland alla beroendeskapande rutiner? Eller vad?
Rösten följer med dej ett bra tag men så tystnar den när berget är som närmast..
text och video J. Brantås
Bläse f d kalkbruk, Gotland, 2010
A habit hardly felt
A journey into a messy landscape. A train and a possibly reliable voice tries to sort it out. So, is your actual existence all about sorting out among vicious habits, independencies, dependences and routines?
Am I independent with a few vicious habits or dependent with a lot of habits in the midst of all addictive routines? Or what?
The voice accompanies you for a while and then silences when the rocks are at their closest.
text and video J .Brantås
Bläse old lime use, Gotland, 2010