dark matter illuminationsatt Uppsala Artists Club
ARtist Roles Artist Rules, AR/AR II Kunming
Social Role of The Artist, ADGY;Beijing
Nasty Women
The Well/Ching
Process kring en ursprunglig bild/ Processing an Original Image
Here and Now/ Här och nu (Långholsmdagen)
Utställningen IN TENSION på Slipvillan, Stockholm 2021
Temat är en fortsättning på förra årets tema på samma plats 101Fahrenheit. Temana är båda kopplade till coronaårens påverkan på våra fysiska och mentala tillstånd i tider av extraordinära kriser.
foto Jannike Brantås
The theme is a continuation on last years. The themes ar connected to the corona years and the stressful tension on everything,
"The Fifth Force of Nature"/ " Naturens Femte kraft"
"THE River/Conflux", Middelburg; Ruimte Caesuur Gallery
Silent Vulcanos with star/
Tysta Vulkaner med stjärna,DUO contradiction, Stockholm
Tysta Vulkaner med stjärna,DUO contradiction, Stockholm
Silent Vulcanos with Star
You are yourself stardust as you live from what the soil gives you.
Your way to live this life is to constantly balancing all this in your life, in your soul.
Soil gives you life, flowers as well. Vulcanos have their own inner lives, you know this. And you never know when they burst into inner motion…
The now silent vulcanos, silenced by the eternal dances of eons, carry their secret down with their deepest roots. Resting long enough, sleeping away all our ages, we wait, we listen, until bursting all the living up from their hidings, up from underearth; what we cannot grasp, encompass.
They will glisten, beam and spreading themselves down the long slopes of the vulcanos, down sharp ravines, angular bumbles, gravel spreading over all the black, stiffening dormant in nightely dreams. Soon their brims are burning with fragrance life giving vegetation. Life.
Out of the black eonically old---- Once again…
Jannike Brantås
member exhibition Slipvillan, Stockholm/
Storm medlemsutställning,StockholM, nov- dec 2023
member exhibition Slipvillan, Stockholm/
Storm medlemsutställning,StockholM, nov- dec 2023