Lecture at Kunming Technical University for Design and Art students, China. Presenting my art and discussing with art students. Together with Madeleine Aleman, Rikard Fåhraeus. Invited through AR/AR project by Luo Fei, Lei Yen,Xi Bai and head of Art department Xu Tao.


Studio44 - A 20 year book
- 2003-2022 -
A poetic documentation


en vildvuxen sluttning
vidare nerför branterna
linjerna bort mot horisonten stundvis höljda i dimma..dis
däremellan landskapet
utan vind vilande
utblick svag doft
binder linjer  inåt bortåt...

foto/affisch Masoud Shahsavari. Initiativ/Redaktör Jannike Brantås
foto/affisch Masoud Shahsavari. Initiativ/Redaktör Jannike Brantås

Artist books with excerpts 2022 -2023
These books are all made in a similar form by different techniques. The techniques are sepia or black ink, inverted photos of objects or photos of pigmented sand images. All contain poems in haiku form 5-7-7 relating to the various subjects of each book. Each image has a related haiku to it.

Comfort/ Solastalgia
Comfort/ Solastalgia
Booklet of 4; Soul Hole/ Oljusbok 4 häften
Booklet of 4; Soul Hole/ Oljusbok 4 häften
from Lainiakea//Wide Sky
from Lainiakea//Wide Sky

Haiku from Comfort/ Solastalgia

sandkornet glimmar
bär dina minnen bakåt
från reflexens dag


Books made in the aftermath of the group exhibition The Fifth Force of Nature.
All books are made by hand, sowen or glued together. All images and haiku poems by the artist.

Lainiakea; wide sky/ Lainiakea; vidsträckt himmel
Lainiakea; wide sky/ Lainiakea; vidsträckt himmel
from Lainiakea: "sanden andas du är stoft du skapades av din andning ditt stoft"
from Lainiakea: "sanden andas du är stoft du skapades av din andning ditt stoft"
from Unlight book IV, Conversely/ Oljusbok IV,Omvänt.                                                              "metamorfosen omvandlingen stoft till sand från mörkret till ljuset"
from Unlight book IV, Conversely/ Oljusbok IV,Omvänt. "metamorfosen omvandlingen stoft till sand från mörkret till ljuset"
Unlight book IV Conversely / Oljusbok IV, Omvänt
Unlight book IV Conversely / Oljusbok IV, Omvänt
Comfort; Solastalgi, the loss of a lost place/ Tröst; Solastalgi, saknaden av en förlorad plats
Comfort; Solastalgi, the loss of a lost place/ Tröst; Solastalgi, saknaden av en förlorad plats
from Comfort, Solastalgi. "spiralen i oss bildade sagors världar bär blommans mönster"
from Comfort, Solastalgi. "spiralen i oss bildade sagors världar bär blommans mönster"

BOOK  All is thin skin, Longing/ Allt är tunn hud, Längtan
This book is entirely made by hand sowen and glued

Boken är avsedd att vara en personlig kultiveringsresa. Resor i tidrummen, i återerinran av faktisk resa och en längtan till berget, sökande orden/ This book is meant to be a personal journey in cultivation. A journey in timespaces, in the recollection of an actual journey and a longing for the mountain, seeking the words.. Below,haiku from the book

                                                        kommer ur det omvända
                                                             speglas för min syn

Book it was how you said it, 
a book relating to the saying: stepping into other rivers/ det var hur du sa det. boken relaterar till orden: att stiga ner i andra floder.


chinese format on book. photo, texts, handmade/ bok kinesiskt format, foto text, handgjord bok 2023
chinese format on book. photo, texts, handmade/ bok kinesiskt format, foto text, handgjord bok 2023
book opening: it was how you said it/uppslag det var hur du sa det, foto J.B
book opening: it was how you said it/uppslag det var hur du sa det, foto J.B

books in smaller/A5 format, images, haiku and texts, handmade

comfort, solastalgi the missing of a place, ink and haiku, handmade b y j.b/ tröst, solastalgi saknaden av en plats, tusc, haiku, handgjord bok av j.b
comfort, solastalgi the missing of a place, ink and haiku, handmade b y j.b/ tröst, solastalgi saknaden av en plats, tusc, haiku, handgjord bok av j.b
unlight book IV, sandpigment images, haikus, handmade by j.b/ oljusbok IV, pigmenterade sandbilder, haiku, handgjord av j.b
unlight book IV, sandpigment images, haikus, handmade by j.b/ oljusbok IV, pigmenterade sandbilder, haiku, handgjord av j.b
edens i held in my hand (but let go of) photos, texts, handmade by j.b/ eden trädgårdar jag höll i min hand (men släppte taget om) foto, text, handgjord bok av j.b
edens i held in my hand (but let go of) photos, texts, handmade by j.b/ eden trädgårdar jag höll i min hand (men släppte taget om) foto, text, handgjord bok av j.b
Sequences after Dark Matter Illuminations, group show with P Hesselbäck and M Shahsavari,  personal booklet
Sequences after Dark Matter Illuminations, group show with P Hesselbäck and M Shahsavari, personal booklet

series of six booklets: edens i held in my hand part II

Six booklets, part II of edens i held in my hand, but let go of, taken from G Colbert´s movie Ashes and Snow. each booklet on different subject. A5 format, image and text by j.b, hand made. one copy. 2023 -24.
Six booklets, part II of edens i held in my hand, but let go of, taken from G Colbert´s movie Ashes and Snow. each booklet on different subject. A5 format, image and text by j.b, hand made. one copy. 2023 -24.